Friday, 7 June 2013

The Flames of Freedom!

I haven’t cried in months but on the verge of breaking down now. My neighbor right across the...

I haven’t cried in months but on the verge of breaking down now.

  • My neighbor right across the street got arrested this morning for dope, completely sure his life is fucked now. 
  • I almost got stabbed this morning trying to help this place stop its ways.
  • Got a flat tire, changed it only to find the spare was decreasing in air then it pops on the way to a gas station, had to abandon car right after it start raining, thankfully a friend picked me up.
  • This woman I with, her friend got stabbed tonight in a gang initiation. Friends from the out islands even messaging me about how they scared. This country of round 300,000 getting completely fucked by this giant gang war between the two biggest ones.
  • The U.S. state department just released a statement pretty much telling tourists don’t ever come here after these fucking idiots killed one white american. We have no industry pretty much besides tourism and despite the hate I have for it all, 4$ an hour the minimum wage and unemployment sky rocketing, it just keeps getting worse. Almost everything in the country imported. Times the violence never use to ever touch anyone who ain’t involved in the drug game etc. I so bad want to blame the U.S. right now for glorifying all the fucking violence that’s putting this island up in flames, Jamaica too, just something when it’s actually all capitalism at work, I swear all getting so influenced by the capitalistic gang lifestyle which is all you ever get from the media and now innocent bystanders are getting kill all the time. Things supposed to get worse before they get better but how much worse can this get? The murder rate already so fucking high, past most American/Canadian cities with populations in the millions when this island only has 200,000 people on it.

I want to live here the rest of my life but all I want to do at the moment is take the people i love and run away. I’m still not scared you know though, more so just this feeling of intense disappointment with this fucked world. Anyway, I still feel a real measure of strength isn’t how long you can hold on to hope, but how you long you act and breathe when there isn’t an ounce of hope in your whole damn body. 


Stresss. My co-worker, an athletic trainer came to volunteer doing some fitness for the boys at the...


My co-worker, an athletic trainer came to volunteer doing some fitness for the boys at the troubled teen place, he was like he has no idea how I deal with them haha, like I said they luckily respect me. Today one bui pull out a knife, playn like he was going to jook this next kid he was ybn with and I step in the middle like “calm the fuck down and get from round here wit your shit before you end up stuck at this place and never go back to school,” he back off then later they start ybn again! I’m not going to snitch on the knife cause everyone carries one in this city anyway. This guy who legit has a such a good kind spirit and talks slow, always getting harassed by the other ones, you get on his bad side though and he’ll break you up, you can see that anger management problem look in his eye an he was the one who had the knife pulled on him. The second time there was beef he left the place and me and the boss calmed him down… All them between 14-17 and it’s pretty dumb that all they talk about is fights/shootings/stabbings I mean I know it a part of their life and some of them still in gangs but fuck, even I enjoy an MMA fight every couple of weeks but violence is like the only thing they can hold a conversation about and the other 10% about fucking gals. So much more to life jed. I’ve already seen some of them change some of their ways though since they’ve been here, anyway.




My guy friends say just make one my girlfriend and one my sweetheart.. Only ask one about open...

My guy friends say just make one my girlfriend and one my sweetheart.. Only ask one about open relationships and she wasn’t on my run. On the real I care about both of them and don’t wan hurt any dem, but bui, my heart and cock likes the idea, that’s 2 to 1 vs. my mind.. Still don’t kno tho! I could work dis easyy but shitt.


Know I've been making a lot of personal posts but shitt need to vent somewhere. I'm really not a...

Know I've been making a lot of personal posts but shitt need to vent somewhere. I'm really not a player cause I'm always real with women, I don't need to sell dreams an if I just want a good time or want to date for a while I find the right words and way to get my point across. I'm dealn with three women at the same time right now and FUCK, I don't know how I manage to do all the things I do (wait I hardly sleep), and all them seem to really like and wan date me except one of them [The one I'm really into the most] always comes with this I don't know what I want bullshit and had me turn down plenty gals while I waited for 8 days to tell me whats up and what she wants to do. Never good to put labels on anything but I'm only home for three months and don't have time for that shit, I just prefer relationships too, summer romance and all haha. Is kinda why I started talking to the other two women and going on dates and shit even though I didn't even know what I wanted out of it when they came on to me. Just being friendly and not coming on strong immediately only makes them like you more cause all Bahamian men are known to come on dead strong and pretty much walk the thin line of trying to pick up and harassment everywhere you walk if you a female. FUCK why did I get myself in this situation, I legit don't like hurting anyone but someone always has to get hurt it seems. I mean maybe all the mind games and playn hard to get is a warning to sign to start hanging with the next one [spent all Sunday together. Like her, incredibly outgoing and confident, quick to crack jokes. dances great, can sing and rap and fuckn loves hip hop, races cars, has that aura she'd be amazing in bed, got to feel her stab scar, (which ain't surprising in this county one bit) she takes no bullshit from no one, favorite thing is her kiss and touch was completely unexpected, just thought she'd be aggressive, but kisses slow with passion like she's really affectionate but course too cool to let anyone know], the other one (don’t get me wrong is a beautiful person inside and out) I feel wouldn't last and think I should try gently break off any idea other than just being friends. I could write a ton about the one playn hard to get but no point. We dated for a week then suddenly fall off over sumthing petty, she’s 21 so probably doing all the mind tricks to make me trip over her and their working and assdfjdjdmknsbz

Anyway FUCK, I don't know what to do.


Back in the ring, can't wait to humiliate Eye Dee See,...

Back in the ring, can't wait to humiliate Eye Dee See, shithead s'all he is. Battle got postponed a whole month jed… Unfortunately we've known each other for a while so it's going to get personal. Respectable multi's but other than that all he has is jokes and a weak flow.. ya I'm looking forward to Monday tho.

So life expectancy for young men in the area I’m volunteering at is under 30. Such a terrible...

So life expectancy for young men in the area I’m volunteering at is under 30. Such a terrible murder rate for such a small country. No lie if any of the “troubled” teens I’m seeing everyday ends up in the grave or at Her Majesty’s prison (no AC, still shit in buckets, 5 men to a cell, sexual assault rate insanely high) I’ll be pretty sad for a bit jed. Every teen here on the self esteem type test all put straight zeros, for questions like if I like myself, only one that got a 10 was “Do you wish you had another person’s life?” and some of them put a 10 for respecting themselves but never like themselves…

I’m teaching English an History which is kind of funny just cause I’m the same age as some of them. Luckily they show me alot of respect. They all know exactly what’s going on in society, know why crime got so bad when in the 80s cocaine came here on route from South America to supply the demand for Americans…  They actually had the Defense Force and Police come to encourage them to try and join the force, course right, the state loves to death its thugs as long as they’re on their side. Fucking hell do I wish the state would burn in a fire more intense than a thousand suns.

I just hope helping these boys out with literacy, sharpening critical thinking skills and conflict resolution techniques will keep them off the streets or make them better criminals who expropriate from the rich everyday and never ever get caught. Society makes em starve, then punishes them indefinitely for doing what they have to do eat and to have just some of the shit advertised to us every single hour of the day. The one thing you can’t ever let anyone take from you is your dignity as all the words from the anarchists of the propaganda by the deed era reminds me, they’d rather die in beautiful resistance then sell their life away. Crazy huh





fuckyeahanarchopunk: Militiaman member of "El Batallon de la...


Militiaman member of "El Batallon de la Muerte" (Battalion of Death). (Italian anarchists at the Spanish Civil War)


Feel like telling followers some random shit all about me. I’m from Nassau, The Bahamas....

Feel like telling followers some random shit all about me.

  • I’m from Nassau, The Bahamas. “The criminal threat level for New Providence Island is rated as critical by the Department of State” - US Embassy. Still a great place for a vacation though.. Locals have to watch how you walk type shit. Hardly been in any fights cause I can talk my way out usually, once was ganged by 4 all coke up vs. 2, nuth’n but a bloody lip though ma boy got it bad. After we got kicked out the house party I walked back, got laid that night. Anywayz one of my favorite stories, fight, fuck, fiesta.
  • White boy in a country that’s like 90% black, been to a party of 300 and only white kid, 2 fights and someone car get shoot up and yea I was sketch then just cause I stick out like a sore thumb when the man came and I was high as fuck.. Stupidest thing I ever did was walk through one hood at 4 in the morning in a tuxedo after prom, don’t ask me how me and ma boy end up there, just drunk.
  • Whole life “white bey” and “Eminem” was the only thing I really get called. No need to laugh but “Sweet Tooth” is my nickname here. “Bam Bam” has to be my fav street name which is pretty common here.
  • Once tried to kill myself, now I so in love with myself cause shit, I’m awesome as fuck.
  • Charming as hell, always say the perfect thing and almost always get what I want. Parents always said I should be a lawyer, I’d make a wicked politician which was used to piss me off but I’m obviously an anarchist till death and the only thing I dictate is my own life, how it should be.
  • When I was 8 the fam was living in a van for 2 weeks, years past and now business became successful (close to being upper middle class family now, white privilege must be). 
  • Seen plenty celebrities at big hotels cause is the Bahamas, Johnny Depp, Nicholas Cage, Justin Bieber, Bruno Mars, Lenny Kravitz, spoke to Sean Connery but I don’t really give a fuck, all dem shitheads. People just love hearing about it.
  • Third World inequality right.. Have friends working that 4$ an hour, been there and it’s unbelievable. Have other friends whose fam are millionaires.
  • If I were to make other blogs beside this anarchist one and some of my poetry, It’d be the best in hip hop and probably just one about my love life (hopeless romantic and legit 99 of my problems are usually women, including mums who doesn’t like all the women lmao). I so trip now for this new woman in my life, doing my best to not check for other’s and I will not to make her happy. Women always go for a man they know other women like or who is taken but want monogamy anyway let me not get into that topic.. Wish I lived in a world where free love was the norm. If I lived a life anything close to being as amazing as Emma Goldman’s I’d write a lot about relationships along with my radical endeavors in an autobiography like her. What is existence but how we share it with our loved ones and comrades?
  • I’m a book worm. Love graphic novels and seen plenty films.
  • Freestyle and or write everyday.
  • Tattooing is my favorite visual art form.
  • Never was good at graffiti, just your typical circle ‘A’ vandal.
  • How typical I’m an anarchist and like to wear black a lot, sigh
  • Really athletic and extremely competitive when it comes to sports (kno I practice that mutual aid tho)
  • Ice Hockey my favorite sport.
  • Favorite color is red.
  • My eyes are green and orange around the pupil.
  • A perfect night to me would be to be in the club and rap along with the whole crowd to great songs, the DJ put on some salsa shit and just dance, then ybe with some guy and settle it with a rap battle in the parking lot, then smoke and fuck all night with my girlfriend till we watch the sunrise on the beach. Oh and start a revolution.
  • Favorite thing about me is I always surround myself with the most wonderful people.
  • And for dem hippies reading this, I’m a Leo.

Kera Touched by you and could never forget it Attracted to your...


Touched by you and could never forget it

Attracted to your sweet lips like I diabetic

Can't you tell I can feel you like it's magnetic 

A hectic heart beat through the chest so I better go get it

When it essence of your aesthetics was embedded in my poetics

Could not but let it these words leave this crevice

Gone set this me on fire, so your soft wet lips, I desire

One I admire, by you gets me higher 

In my heart on my mind words this art try'n find

Perfect way to say I want you to be mine

Live'n up on cloud nine hand gliding down your spine

Lost in time when your presence I find 

Heaven's mines cause I've felt forever alive 

In paradise I see in the pair of your eyes 

When you look to the side and you bless with that smile

I think I, I think I wan be around for a while

Cause I lov'n your style, words like projectiles

Like cupid's arrow travel air miles and gave this beat a revival

Make this blood type THC go and flow like the nile

Only TLC for you, you see lay you down like tiles

And watch my lips glide across you like envelope files

Enclosing love letters at night when I'm miss'n your smile


I hope you'll really like that, like the way I keep going like a looped beat track


When I look in the mirror things become clearer

I picture you here and nearer

They say love's a crazy ride but I won't steer clear

Crash and burn? Your voice and words already makes passion burn

Crash into me, relaxing my nerves

We just met and this could be absurd

But I don't care, and I'd know you'd say


You turn on my bed and I watch the world, turn

Know when I wake up hear three little birds

Know when I wake up next to you hear three little birds

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